Friday 8 April 2011

Tea Room Designs

The design of a tea room can influence your experience and can be one of the reasons you stay at a specific tea room.

There are numerous designs from the old fashioned traditional tea room to Asian inspired tea rooms, all welcoming thousands of people through their doors.

Here is a selection of pictures showing tea room designs from all over the world:

Asian Inspired Tea Room

50's Style Wallpaper

Mad Hatters

Cauliflower Cake

Conservatory Tea Room

Vintage Tea pot

Tea Room Fabric
Wooden Style Tea Room

Vintage Style Cups and Saucers

The Famous Bettys'
Tea Room Linen

English Tea Room

Vintage Style Tea Room

These are just a selection of some designs from around the world and from years ago.  They may differ greatly in design but they all have one thing in common - people go there to buy and drink cups of tea!

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