Friday 25 March 2011

The Greenhouse

When caught in a downpour I would like nothing better than to curl up in my favourite chair with a cup of tea. However, when you are not within sprinting distance of your home this fantasy becomes a tad difficult to achieve. What you need is a modern day oasis, in my case a tea shop. I was, fortunately, within stumbling distance of The Greenhouse. Having recently been awarded the title of ‘Best Tea Shop in the County’ I was definitely caught in the right downpour at the right miserable time. Stepping into the tea shop, looking remarkably like the thing from the swamp, I was greeted by a smiling girl at the counter who helpfully pointed me towards the ladies room and the upstairs seating area. And after settling into one of the comfy armchairs I began to feel quite ready for a toe-warming cuppa. Now, as I have said previously tea would be my usual drink of choice in situations like this, but sometimes you just have to indulge. “Would you like frills on your hot chocolate?” the waitress asked me kindly. I know what you’re thinking; I thought the same, “what does a frilly hot chocolate entail exactly?” I asked. “If you’re having a hot chocolate, you definitely want frills,” she said. So, after taking the plunge and agreeing to sample the frilly drink I waited. What promptly arrived was a glutton of whipped cream, chocolate sauce, marshmallows and sprinkles all strategically placed on top of a huge steaming mug…the ultimate hot chocolate. Whilst debating how to begin tasting or should that be eating my drink, I start taking note of the little things that make this tea shop truly special. The glorious sounds of Cosi fan tutte float up from downstairs, along with a host of delicious smells, which excite my stomach and tease my taste buds. The Greenhouse’s menu is extensive. Whilst still offering a huge range of delicious homemade cakes, pastries and desserts, there is also a staggering selection of delicious savoury options; from breakfast bites to main meals. Whilst I stuck to a cherry flapjack, my tearoom sidekick opted for something more substantial. His ham and mushroom omelette arrived promptly, with a crisp side salad, not bad for £4.50. The delicious food, kind service and saucy drinks all make The Greenhouse a must for locals and visitors alike. This tearoom is all about the experience; it does not rely purely on one aspect to make it great, everything is great. Teacup Rating: Hot Chocolate (with frills) £2.60 Cherry Flapjack £1.00 Mocha £2.60 Mushroom & Ham Omelette £4.50 Total £10.70

The Greenhouse, Tea & Coffee Shop The Greenhouse,

51 Burton Road, Lincoln,

Lincolnshire, LN1 3JY 01522 537013

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