Saturday 2 April 2011

Lesley's On The Hill

Lesley’s Tea Room would not be high on my list if you wanted a good cup of tea. From the outside, Lesley’s looks like many of the tea rooms at the top of Steep Hill in Lincoln. It has a very traditional look from the outside which is continued throughout inside. It is very old fashioned and in fact rather small inside. The steep stair case was also a challenge. Especially if someone else was trying to come down at the same time!

Once we were sat down the three of us simply wanted a nice cup of tea. The menu was extensive; however it was extensively full of food. Not a problem but it only had one option of tea – this was supposed to be a tea room, or that’s what the sign said outside! So, we ordered the one option of tea which was nice but simple and came with a teapot, cup and saucer.

We all ordered Panini’s to go with our teas which again were nice but I think they were rather expensive at £5.25. The pots of tea were £1.70, not bad but that seems to be the theme for this tea room. Aside from the tea, or lack of tea it seemed as if they got a reasonable amount of regulars that came to the tea room and they seemed to get preferential treatment. A small business definitely needs regulars, who clearly enjoy going there, however it is important to treat new customers just as well other wise your regulars will run out!

Two cups for me, ok, but not that great.

Lesley's On the Hill
39 Steep Hill,
01522 522463

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